Xbox Head

Xbox Head Throws Shade at Apple’s App Store Policy

The gaming world is abuzz with the recent critique of Apple’s revamped App Store policy by Sarah Bond, Head of Xbox Cloud Gaming. Her tweet, echoing the concerns of industry giants like Spotify and Epic Games, has reignited the debate on app store gatekeeping and its impact on developers and consumers. But what exactly is Apple’s new policy, and why is the Xbox boss not a fan? Buckle up, gamers, as we delve into the heart of this digital dustup.

Apple’s App Store Tightens the Screws: What’s Changed?

In response to the European Union’s Digital Markets Act (DMA), which mandates fairer competition within digital platforms, Apple introduced a new policy specifically targeting the EU region. This policy allows developers to offer alternative in-app purchase options outside the App Store, bypassing Apple’s 15-30% commission fees. However, here’s the catch:

  • Developers must disclose these alternative payment methods within their apps. This transparency requirement could deter users from venturing outside the familiar App Store ecosystem.
  • Apple still takes a cut of 27% on any purchases made through external links. So, while developers have more freedom, they’re not entirely free from Apple’s grasp.

While seemingly a step towards openness, these changes have drawn criticism for being more symbolic than substantial. Industry experts argue that the disclosure requirement and lingering fees effectively cripple the true potential of the new policy.

Why is Xbox Unhappy? Bond Sounds Off

So, what’s got the Xbox boss fuming? In her tweet, Bond emphasizes the importance of “constructive conversations” driving progress towards “open platforms and greater competition.” She views Apple’s approach as a “step in the wrong direction,” urging the tech giant to listen to developer feedback and create a more “inclusive future for all.”

Bond’s concerns likely stem from Xbox’s cloud gaming ambitions, particularly Project xCloud. Currently, the service isn’t available on iOS due to Apple’s restrictions on game streaming apps. With a more open App Store, Microsoft could potentially offer xCloud directly to iPhone and iPad users, expanding its reach significantly.

But Bond’s critique isn’t solely driven by Xbox’s interests. It reflects a wider industry sentiment against app store gatekeeping and its perceived stifling effect on innovation and competition. Developers often feel beholden to app store policies that limit their revenue potential and restrict their creative freedom.

Beyond Xbox: A Broader Industry Impact

The implications of Apple’s policy extend far beyond the realm of Xbox games. Here’s a glimpse at the broader landscape:

  • Developers across various industries, from music streaming to e-commerce, stand to benefit from a more open app store model. Lower fees and greater control over in-app purchases could translate into more competitive pricing and potentially even better user experiences.
  • Consumers could enjoy wider app choices and potentially lower prices. Increased competition among app stores could drive innovation and incentivize developers to offer more attractive features and functionalities.
  • Regulators around the world are paying close attention. The EU’s DMA is just one example of growing scrutiny towards app store practices. Apple’s response to this pressure could set a precedent for other tech giants facing similar regulations.

Will Apple Heed the Calls for Change?

The future remains uncertain. While Apple has taken a step towards complying with the DMA, its implementation leaves much to be desired. Whether the tech giant will further adapt its policies in response to industry pressure and regulatory oversight is yet to be seen.

However, one thing is clear: the conversation about app store gatekeeping is not going away. The voices of industry leaders like Bond, coupled with growing regulatory pressure, could pave the way for a more open and competitive digital marketplace, ultimately benefiting developers, consumers, and the tech ecosystem as a whole.

A Look Ahead: Openness Breeds Innovation

While the debate surrounding Apple’s App Store policy rages on, one thing is undeniable: fostering open and competitive digital platforms holds immense potential for innovation and progress. As Bond rightly emphasizes, constructive dialogue is key to achieving this goal. By working together, developers, regulators, and tech giants can create a digital landscape that empowers creativity, fosters healthy competition, and ultimately benefits everyone involved. So, grab your controllers, gamers, and stay tuned to this evolving saga. The future of digital gaming, and the broader app ecosystem, might just depend on it.

Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly did Sarah Bond, Head of Xbox Cloud Gaming, say about Apple’s App Store policy?

Bond criticized Apple’s new policy on Twitter, calling it a “step in the wrong direction.” She urged the tech giant to embrace “open platforms and greater competition” and listen to developer feedback.

Why is Bond unhappy with the policy?

Bond’s concerns likely stem from Xbox’s cloud gaming ambitions, particularly Project xCloud, which is currently unavailable on iOS due to Apple’s restrictions. More broadly, she reflects wider industry sentiment against app store gatekeeping and its perceived stifling effect on innovation and competition.

What are the potential implications of a more open App Store?

Developers across industries could benefit from lower fees and greater control, leading to more competitive pricing and better user experiences. Consumers could enjoy wider app choices and potentially lower prices due to increased competition. Regulators around the world are closely watching app store practices, and Apple’s response could set a precedent.

Will Apple change its policy?

It’s uncertain. While Apple has taken a step towards complying with the EU’s DMA, its implementation is limited. Further changes remain to be seen, but industry pressure and regulatory oversight could influence them.

What’s the takeaway from all this?

The debate on app store gatekeeping highlights the importance of fostering open and competitive digital platforms. Bond’s voice, along with others, emphasizes the need for constructive dialogue to achieve this goal. Collaboration between developers, regulators, and tech giants can create a digital landscape that empowers creativity, fosters healthy competition, and benefits everyone involved.


While the Xbox head’s critique ignited the discussion, it’s just one chapter in a larger story. The fight for open app stores represents a crucial step towards a more vibrant and innovative digital future. Whether Apple adapts remains to be seen, but the conversation has begun, and its impact could benefit gamers, developers, and consumers alike. So, keep your eyes peeled, gamers, for this unfolding saga could shape the future of digital entertainment.

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